Strategic Goals
- To render and manage arts, cultural and heritage services:
- To promote and co-ordinate performing arts services to ensure people development and job creation.
- To promote and co-ordinate visual and creative arts services to ensure skills development, job creation and contribute towards poverty alleviation.
- To administer declared cultural institutions to ensure people development, skills development and job creation.
- To render museum and heritage services to ensure people development and social cohesion.
- To implement the national mandate to establish the Provincial Geographical Names Committee and the Provincial Heritage Resources Authority 289
- To render language development services to ensure that the constitutional rights of the people are met by the utilization of the main languages of the province.
Strategic Objectives
Heritage & Museums
To accelerate the transformation of the country’s heritage landscape by establishing and managing museum and heritage services.
Language and Secretariat Services
To promote multilingualism, redress past linguistic imbalances and develop the previous marginalized languages.
This component consists of the following sub-directorates namely:
- Heritage and Museums
- Language and Secretariat Services
Provincial Museum Services is rendered in terms of Ordinance 8 of 1975, which are the province-aided museums, which include the local museums. It also includes the provision of assistance to the Heritage Free State to manage heritage resources in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act, No. 25 of 1999 which aims at the preservation and protection of heritage resources and sites.There are ten provincial museums, namely: Military, Old Presidency, Philippolis, Bethulie, Smithfield, Boshof, Winburg, Glen, Kroonstad and Heilbron.
The component also has two literature museums, which is Sesotho and Afrikaans Literary Museums. The Basotho Cultural Village (BVC) in Qwaqwa is the only living heritage museum.The Language Services component is responsible to render language development and promotion services to ensure that the constitutional rights of the people are met by the utilization of the main languages of the province. The Secretariat Services supported Provincial Geographical Names Committee (PGNC) and the Provincial Heritage Resources Authority (PHRA) Council.
Contact Details
Mr Vincent Khetha
Director: Museum and Heritage Services
Tel: 051 – 410-4829
Email: khethav@sacr.fs.gov.za
National Museums
P/Bag X20543 Bloemfontein
Tel no (051)4054034
Fax no (051) 4054259
E-mail naln@sacr.fs.gov.za
Regional and Community Museums
P/Bag X20543 Bloemfontein
Tel no (051) 4054034
Fax no (051) 4054259
E-mail naln@sacr.fs.gov.za