Budget & Procurement


The aim of the budget vote of the Department is to manage and promote sport and recreation development; arts and culture; and to render library, information and archive services in the Province.

Budget programmes 

Strategic Goal

The strategic goal of the Department is; “The promotion, development and transformation of sport, arts, culture and recreation in order to contribute to:

  • sustainable economic growth and opportunities;
  • nation building;
  • good governance; and
  • social and human capital development.”

The budget vote of the Department comprises of four main programmes.

Programme 1: Administration 


To render management and administrative support services

Strategic Objectives:

  • To render human resource management services.
  • To render financial and supply chain management services.
  • To render administrative auxiliary services.
  • To facilitate and manage skills development.
  • To provide an internal and external communication strategy.
  • To introduce special programmes (moral regeneration, gender, youth, disability, HIV/AIDS) in the Department.
  • To render labour relations and advice services.
  • To provide IT support services to the Department and affiliated institutions.
  • To manage a transport system, all of these being the support base of the different line functions.

Programme  2: Cultural Affairs 


To render and manage arts, cultural and heritage services

Strategic Objectives

  • To promote and co-ordinate performing arts services to ensure people development and job creation.
  • To promote and co-ordinate visual and creative arts services to ensure skills development, job creation and contribute towards poverty alleviation.
  • To administer declared cultural institutions to ensure people development, skills development and job creation.
  • To render museum and heritage services to ensure people development and social cohesion.
  • To implement the national mandate to establish the Provincial Geographical Names Committee and the Provincial Heritage Resources Authority.
  • To render language development services to ensure that the constitutional rights of the people are met by the utilization of the main languages of the province.

Programme 3: Library and Archive Services 


To render and manage library, information and archive services

Strategic Objectives

  • To provide technical support to 163 affiliated libraries.
  • To provide library and information services to communities in terms of the Free State Provincial Library and Information Services Act, 1999 (Act No 5 of 1999).
  • To render a record management service.
  • To manage archival material at repositories.

Programme 4: Sport and Recreation  


To promote sport and recreation development

Strategic Objectives

  • To render community sport and recreation development services in terms of the approved White Paper on Sport and Recreation.
  • To do research on the needs of communities in sport development.
  • Marketing of sport development programmes.
  • Rendering of sport and recreation development services in communities.
  • To provide equipment for sport and recreation development.
  • To stimulate and support capacity building programmes.