Free State Heritage Resources Authority
The FSHRA was established in terms section 23 of the National Heritage Resources Act, No 25 of 1999. It is a body corporate. Its members are appointed for a term of office of three years.
The FSHRA, as a provincial heritage resources authority, is responsible for the identification and management of heritage resources in the Free State, which, in a provincial context, have special significance. A heritage resource is a place or object of cultural significance. A heritage site can either be a national heritage site [if declared as such by the South African Heritage Resources Authority (the “SAHRA”) or a provincial heritage site if so declared by a provincial heritage resources authority. Heritage resources have lasting value, are finite, non-renewable and irreplaceable. The FSHRA has the competence to grant or refuse permits.
Members of the FSHRA
Committee Members
Council Members
Dr. C. Twala (Chairperson)
Mr. A. Roodt
Adv. T. Mokoena
Ms. M. Botes
Mr. M.Z. Monyake
Mrs. M. Sehlabo
Permit Committee Members
Mr. C.K Lebona (Chairperson)
Prof. B.J Britz
Mr. M.E Masooa
Ms. L. Philip
Mr. M.J Serekoane
Ms. S. Tlhoaele
Contact Details
Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation
Private Bag X20606,
Ms. Malintja Molahloe
Resource Centre
- Provincial Heritage Resources Agency Regulations
- Information leaflet
- Permit Application Form
- National Heritage Resources Act, No 25 of 1999
Heritage Assessments
- Built Heritage Impact Assessment for the construction of a photovoltaic power plant on the farm Glen Thorne near Bloemfontein, February 2012
- Heritage Impact Assessment for the proposed development of a mini hydropower station on the farm Boston, Bethlehem area, Free State Province, August 2011
Annual Reports