The Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation is responsible for ten provincial museums.
- Basotho Cultural Village WEB Content
- Pioneer Museum Winburg
- Caledon River Museum Smithfield
- Old Presidency Museum Bloemfontein
- Military Museum Fort Bloemfontein
- Wesleyan Church Museum Bloemfontein
- Transgariep Museum Phillipolis
There are also two literature museums that fall within the scope of responsibility of the Department, namely the Sesotho and Afrikaans Literary Museums. Basotho Cultural Village (BVC) in Qwaqwa is the only living heritage museum.
- NALN (National Afrikaans Literary Museum and Research Centre), Bloemfontein
- Sesotho Literature Museum, Bloemfontein
Farming Museum
This museum can be found by taking the off-ramp from the N1 or R30. It is situated within Glen Agricultural College. This agricultural history museum boasts with the farming equipment dating back to the early 20th century. The museum is completed by the dairy, poultry and livestock activities of the College on the premises and this gives the surroundings a farm like atmosphere.
Contact Details
Turn off the N1 onto Welkom Road; turn off at Glen, College premises
Tel: (051) 8611122
Private Bag x 01 Glen