- Providing library materials to affiliated libraries
- Types of Materials
- Material Selection
- Provide and maintain an ICT infrastructure
- Professional guidence, support and training to affiliated librarians.
- Delivery of Materials
- Providing training and support to library staff
- Promoting a culture of reading and learning
- Special Events
- Providing Specialised Information Services
- Special Requests
- Interlibrary Loans
- Research on library and information services
- Research on learners / students
Library materials
Types of materials
The following types of library materials are available in the stock of the Provincial Library and Information Services Directorate;
- Books
- CDs and sound cassettes
- Videos
- Periodicals
- Art prints are not available for lending to the public. It is used in libraries to illustrate aspects of the visual arts.
- Language courses are available on special request. Ask the local librarian to complete a special request form.
One public library does not have all the material on its shelves, but items not in stock are available through the Special Request System. Contact your local library for more information.The Central Information Services Subdivision in Bloemfontein can be contacted with queries and requests with which the local public library cannot help.
Contact person
Nelisiwe Nokubonga Nodada
Tel (051) 492 – 4879
Material selection is done by a selection committee representative of different stakeholders.
Materials are delivered regularly to libraries through visits by staff from the five District Offices.
Specialized information services
Special Requests
If the library material (books etc) you need is not available at your local library ask the library staff to complete a special request form. The material needed will then be requested from another library.
Inter-library loans
If the book or information you need is not available at your library or is not in the stock of the Library Service in the Free State, the Provincial Library and Information Services Directorate will try to obtain it from other library institutions in South Africa through the interlibrary loan system.
Central Lending Service
Expensive and less-used materials are kept as the Directorate’s materials in the Information Services Directorate. Central collection are available to the community via their local public libraries through the special request service. The collection is also available for use by individual officials of the FPG. The Central collection is furthermore also accessible to libraries outside the Free State Provincial library service through the Inter-lending system.
Research on learners/Students
Most learners and students visiting public libraries in the Free State use the libraries for formal study purposes. This is one of the results of a survey done in 1997 to determine the use of public libraries by learners and students.For a copy of the report or information on the survey contact
Nelisiwe Nokubonga Nodada
Tel: (051) 492 – 4879
Email: nodada.nn@sacr.fs.gov.za